Monday, May 31, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Textfree Unlimited - Send Text Messages (SMS) Free!
It is an iPhone application, was 5.99$ but free now. You can get your phone number and send messages for free to any mobile phone in USA.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Mobile PayPal Money Transfer
Now it is easy to send money to friends and family through your mobile phone. (Some mobile phones support this feature). You need to download the application and activate your phone to use this service.More details -- Linky
New AAA Benefits - Very Useful in Emergency Situations
I received an email from AAA with new benefits they are offering:
1. Office services: Complimentary copies (black and white), outgoing fax (limited), and notary services (with some restrictions)
2. Passport Photos
3. Free emergency door key card (for your car) ---Opens door for most makes and models. (Remember: this is only to open the door not for ignition)
These are in addition to already available list of services:
1. Attraction Tickets
2. Gift Cards (Visa and American Express)
3. Hotel Reservations
4. IDP: International Driving Permit
5. Insurance Agency
6. Luggage
7. Membership Services: Offers membership record changes, membership payments, add a member, upgrade to Plus, Premier or RV.
8. Tour books & Maps
9. Travel Agency
10. Travel Insurance
Saturday, May 22, 2010
The fear of tomorrow is the death of today.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Free Personalized Luggage Tags From KLM
Monday, May 17, 2010
Lessons I Learnt About Investing
Investing is not trading and I understood that after a couple of mistakes. Investing is basically buying a business and in this case buying a part of business. Investing is definitely not gambling but trading is. In the long-term, one can make lot of money through trading (gambling) but will eventually lose most or all of it. The right way of investing is to pick and choose a right stock that has a future and demand for its products and then invest some money on it. Like any personal business, it takes time to grow and so have some patience. Too many clicks of your mouse to buy and sell take away the advantage of growth. It is very important to buy good stocks not cheap stocks (because the price is low). Once you buy a stock, keep it for a long time and have a goal for that stock. Say, you want to sell a stock after it doubles and that is when you sell that stock and make some profit. Remember emotion is the enemy and time is your friend. Too many trades ruin the game and it becomes a speculative game rather than growth game. If your stock falls below certain level, sell it to avoid complete loss (say your stock is going bankrupt). In general, it always pays to wait and wait until you get what you want. As warren buffet said, never lose money and it is true. Do a lot of research about the business you are interested in and once you buy, stick with it no matter what TV reports or Internet reports or friends say? Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow and I mean nobody; even Warren Buffett. So always do your research and go on with your gut feeling. Set some filters in choosing a stock and if the stocks you are interested in pass through them then you buy. Up’s and Down's are common and so understand and accept the trend. There are more lessons to be learned and i will write in coming times.
Friday, May 14, 2010
What Kind of a Saver are You???
Never delay investing just because you do not have enough money. No matter how small start investing for future. With time, value of money goes down so it is important to grow your finances.
Past and Future
"The past cannot be changed.
The future is yet in your power." - Hugh White
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Sixty one years ago, at the end of a tour of England by Don Bradman's famous pack, John Arlott put it thus: "Australianism," wrote Arlott, "means single-minded determination to win - to win within the laws but, if necessary, to the last limit within them. It means where the 'impossible' is within the realm of what the human body can do, there are Australians who believe that they can do it - and who have succeeded often enough to make us wonder if anything is impossible to them. It means they have never lost a match - particularly a Test match - until the last run is scored or their last wicket down."
Fences on Desktop
“It is a program that helps you organize your desktop and can hide your icon when not in use”—as per their website. I started using this recently and I really like it. It is free to use and easy to install. It is easy to customize your folders, files and icons. The icons can fade out or fade in when you double click in the empty areas of your desktop. Click here to see some example screenshots of fences. Currently, fences support only windows. This is by far the best way to keep your desktop clean and organized.
Screenshot of my Desktop below:
I hope you like it.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Travel Tips --I
Nowadays, everyone rents a car; the kind of car we choose to rent depends on the distance we are going to travel. I would choose a better mileage car, if I am travelling too far from my place rather than a posh car. It is always a good idea to know how much we are going to spend on gas beforehand. Here is a link that helps you figure out the cost to drive. When planning to travel long distances, it is better to know the places where you can get gas for cheap. Follow this link to find the lowest gas price in any area in USA. Remember, everything counts at the end, every dollar saved is a dollar earned. If you have AAA membership, you can find the best hotels, gas stations and restaurants that offer discounts. If you are travelling to a tourist attraction in some other state, AAA offers free tourist guides and maps. They are really helpful guides to find good deals.
The first and foremost thing to do when you rent a car is to make sure you have Insurance that covers your car and also other cars/vehicles (liability and collision). Contact your agent to find out if your insurance policy covers rental car as well and also ask for any exceptions and limitations. If you have only liability covered then call your credit card people and ask the same questions and find out everything you need to know about the car rental protection they offer. I have an AMEX blue card that covers up to 50000$ (rental car value) and it works as a secondary insurance. But if you pay 24.99$ up front (every time you rent a car), you can get complete primary insurance for 30 consecutive days (exceptions and limitations apply). Other credit cards also offer Collision waiver/supplemental insurance and it is always a good idea to contact the customer service and confirm. It is even better if you can get a copy of the Insurance document with terms and conditions.
If you know where you are going and have time to plan your trip, I would recommend buying an entertainment book to get coupons valid in your destination city. AAA and similar services have discounted attraction tickets. Read the reviews on to know more about the attractions you are planning to visit. You can find valuable information based on the experience of the previous visitors (inside stuff—what to do and what not to do). See if they have City pass that gives admission to more attractions for less (usually called combo packs). If you are visiting your destination city for the first time, it is very much a good idea to check out the restaurants and their reviews on and . After you figure out the prospective restaurants you might visit, buy certificates for 2 or 3 $ (Google for 80% off coupon codes) and save a lot. These are some travel tips but I will add more in future.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
20-80 Formula of Life
Life can be very hard to live for all of us at some point or the other. We get bothered by something or the other, we get bored, we get frustrated and we lose hope from time to time. These are like recurring episodes, it is natural to have such feelings but it is not good to have them at regular intervals. When we see our lives, we see too far and get scared of the future, due to past failures. In most cases than not, work stress is the biggest problem a person can face in his/her life. We take work issues to home and its effect is on the family and friends. We don't enjoy our lives in the present, instead we think about problems at work. If we are not capable of doing our work then the person who hired us should be a fool. In most occasions than not, it is not true. We are very much capable of doing our work but we think we cannot. The amount of time we have in hand is a lot compared to the time we spend on work. Let see if it is true....
- There are 168 hours in a week. (Imagine these are not hours but dollars and we are asked to spend them properly in a week)
- Say we spend 56 hours (8 hours per day) for sleep
- The balance is 112 hours
- Officially we are paid for 40 hours a week, so lets take those off
- Balance 72 hours ( equivalent to 3 days)
- Lets spend 30 hours on our daily routine (cooking, bathing, brushing, travelling to work and so on)
- Balance is 42 hours (Almost 2 days); equal to 25% of total time.
- These 42 hours can be spent for entertainment, phone calls, internet, time with family and friends and other hobbies.
- Sleep : 33.3%
- Extra/personal time: 25%
- Work: 23%
- Routine: 17.8%
The conclusion is, we have lot of time; when we prioritize things that matter. Time cannot be borrowed or lended like money and it is important to spend our time in a right way. You can earn lost money but not time. Since time is such a valuable thing, do not waste it on past and future and things that don't matter. Spend time only on those which are necessary for you. Don't spend time on something just because it is easy to do or because everyone is doing. When you see time as money (or more important than that), the only way one can benefit is by using it then and there (living in the present). It cannot be taken forward or backwards. You waste it....You lose it. Thats it !!!!!!!!!!
There are ways to prioritize time, which i will discuss at a later time.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Desktop Wallpapers

- Social Wallpapering : "a community effort to classify, rank, and distribute high resolution images for use as desktop wallpaper" - as per their website
- Quotexite: This is a good one if you like Quotes along with the picture.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Life Lessons

I heard a small but beautiful story on TV. Here it goes….
Person 1 to Person 2: Imagine there are four eagles on a branch of a tree, one of them decides to fly away, and now, how many eagles are left on the branch??
Person 2 answers: Three of them will be left on the branch.
Person 1: No
Person 2: If not three, how many?
Person 1: Four are left on the branch; one of them decided to fly away but never did.
Moral of the Story: Deciding in your mind to do something is not doing, it counts only when intention turns into action.
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