When I was a kid some 20 years ago, I was alone in the crowd. I was more an observer in a passive fashion and always had only my point of view. As kids were then, I was ignorant and believed what I thought was right. I used to think that the whole world comes to a standstill when I don’t watch it. I used to think everything revolves around me and not other way round. I know for sure then that not even a branch of tree or water in a river moves without my presence. But sometimes I used to doubt that, if they stopped in my absence, how come trees grew from the last time. If I am that powerful how come I don’t get to have some Tea like my elders? But that didn’t bother me much as I was more interested in being a powerful kid. I might sound stupid but I was just ignorant, I learnt overtime that, I am only part of this huge universe and it’s not about me. Everything happens at its pace, on its own and I had to adapt to that. Like everything else I had to act and react and that is my part, which I need to do right. It should get better with time, that’s it!!! Its life!!! I got reminded of my childhood and looking backwards is something that makes me laugh at myself and I am glad I don’t think like that anymore.
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