Almost everyone know this saying - "Jack of all trades but Master of none". When you really think about it, people who are really paid well or say highly famous are the one's who are really good at one or few things. The rest are, say, average or may be good at what they are doing. In some cases, people are well paid because of the industry they are in. Those industries need more people as a result of more and more demand for their services or products.
"A rolling stone gathers no moss" - Consider this proverb. It is almost similar to the above one. This one may say more than the skill of a person. It speaks about the attitude of the person towards life and responsibilities. What is our attitude towards learning?? As far as I know, especially in India, people tend to move towards areas of more prosperity. People tend to gravitate towards high paying professions. The reason being poverty or may be to improve their standard of living or say just pure insecurity. In most cases, including myself at one point, made choices based on possible results. While doing so, most of us did ignore competition and the odd's of getting what we want. In competition, there will always be more losers than winners. There is no consolation for the time and energy utilized in this process.
We compete for what we want (what we do not want - actually speaking), we lose most of the time. The next path we take is a deflection of past action. We end up in a field or work that has little to do with inherent talents or skills of the person. At this stage, people tend not to change much and keep doing what they are doing for the sake of financial security.
My point is, have we learnt anything so much so that we can call ourselves "Masters". What are we so good at?? Look around.....people who are losing jobs or unemployed or insecure in their jobs. They are all the ones who are just good or OK in their profession. Think about this ---- Who are firing them???? Who are they to fire......Answer is -- They are usually "The Masters" (there are exceptions--some people might climb up the ladder by other means). Who are these Masters-- These are the people who might not know who is the president of america/india or the ones who cannot use Facebook or twitter.
I have seen an interview recently, one of the cricketer in India team, cannot even speak proper English and is currently playing for the country and earning millions. The reason being-they are good at what they are doing and they have chosen a profession that most people would not take. Also it is the profession they love.
The idea behind this post is to emphasize the importance of getting really good in what you are doing. We tend to do many things and at the end we kind of lose our way. Even if you consider, a simple habit such as "getting up very early in the morning"- It is very hard for people to make it a habit. The reason being - we have multiple goals at a given point of time. The best way to improve ones life is to master one habit or one skill at a time that is relevant to your life. Anything that improves and simplifies ones life is a great thing to do. I hate to be preachy but this is something I always thought about and never did in my life until now.
A specialist is better paid and respected than a general physician. In other words- Quality is more important than Quantity. If quantity joins quality that would be icing on the cake.
liked it very much..good one